My Mom's Day


-13 Mei 2012-

Mama's surprise birthday cake
     Sunday, today is my mother's birthday. It is like the busiest day a week. Well, today we will have big agenda. Actually, my mother has regular social gathering (arisan) today. Well, she is like the perfectionist B. She cooked a lot of foods yesterday. "selat solo", "pecel madiun", "nasi tumpeng", "kunir asem", and "beras kencur".

     At the first, only five people that came to the gathering. But then, voila! Surprise... around ten people come inside my house and give her a birthday cake. Happy birthday mama...

My mother's friend

Other photos of that gathering
     But, do not worry ma, Father, Hasian, and I have a simple present for you. It is just the other cake for you. Hopefully, You will always be yourself. Please does not change! We always love you. And always be the most beautiful and lovable mom for us :) Happy 49th Mama ... :)

From left: Anggi, Papa, and Hasian
Happy Sweet 49th Our Beloved Mama <3 

- Anggi Siregar -

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