Day One


- 28 September 2012 -

Kelompok Tiga Muntilan (a.k.a ES TIMUN)
[dari kiri atas: Ardi, Alif, Bangbo | dari kiri bawah: Fitri, Ria, Diana, Anggi]

     And it is the beginning of our journey at Muntilan . . . . . . (Jeng Jeng #soundeffect)

    For this semester, we will have certain duties related with analyzing the profile of recent 'cities', and also the problems and its potency.
     Well, start from a lot of interesting experiences. We just like last semester student. Going to some institution and asking for several data. Moving to the other institution for completing data, and so on and so on. ha ha. 

     Starting the journey with a hectic hunting for house or inn. After getting the best one, we started to move and learn to adapt there. We were so excited. We felt like we had a lot of time to do our best for studio's assignment.

     In our first day at Muntilan, we did an effort to accomplish our duty. We went to 'kecamatan' office and also Mungkid city, to get several data that we need. We went to 'bappeda' after looking for several data at BPS, doing some little conversation with people around there to get another information. It was a long day.

     3.00 pm, we have been at home already. But, we did not have long time to sleep or to take a rest. We had to prepare ourselves to be ready at 5.00 pm for another survey agenda. We wanted to see the 'night life' of the local people. It was 8 pm when we decided to have a dinner. Then, we ate foods at street vendor named "". Surprisingly, it was cheap enough.

     Hem, well it was a great day with my new team. It seems like it will be okay till the end. We must keep our spirit up! Fighting!

Seeing our story at the other post yep.
Keep updating Muntilan | ES TIMUN with us.
-SERius SANtai SAmpai TUjuan | SERius SANtai SEng penting RAMpung-
Further information or keep updating the news please follow @Riarism @nufikafika @DianaLXF

- Anggi Siregar -

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