Happy Birthday ASEC (Actual Smile English Club)


- 29 September 2012 -

Documentation of ASEC

     Happy Birthday ASEC! Today is ASEC's 1st birthday. :D (yeah - oh finally). Ha ha. In my own opinion, ASEC is more than a community. It is like an access to the world. After following ASEC, I had a lot of way to communicate using english and got a lot of great experiences related with using english.

     Day by day, ASEC is becoming my family. ASEC is the house for all of you that WANT to improve your english. We are not only a house for the expertise. We link people and do a lot of discussions. 

     And finally, I became ASEC's CEO. It seems like a dream. When Kak Emmy gave me a big responsibility to creating a bigger ASEC. And now, we had several branches. There are ASEC branch East Kalimantan, ASEC branch University of Brawijaya, and ASEC branch EGG (English Goes Global) - Salatiga.

     These are several documentations of ASEC's activity:
Prof Ariel Lindner Series

some posters of ASEC that have been published

IVI (Institute Vector Indonesia) Series

     We thank to all speakers that we couldn't mention one by one. Thanks to all media such as Geronimo (special thanks to kak Santi Zaidan), RRI Yogyakarta, Kedaulatan Rakyat (especially for Kak Rida) for spreading ASEC Fever. :D

ASEC at Geronimo FM - Geronimo Cafe

     This is the last documentation that I proudly present to you :

Rida's writing about ASEC

     Although you are not student of Gadjah Mada University, although you are still in Senior or Junior High School, although you are not in Yogyakarta, YOU STILL CAN JOIN US! because 

"ASEC IS YOU . . ."

  Since ASEC is You, we invite you to come to our 1st celebration:

     Don't worry, we welcome you to be our branches. Further information please contact me or keep update on Facebook: ASEC (Actual Smile English Club) | twitter: @ASECofficial | web: asec.web.id

ASEC's recent structure:
Sari - UNY - Head of Media and Social Network division of ASEC Central

Astri - UGM - ASEC Central's Treasure

Lina - UGM - ASEC Central's Secretary

Anggi [a.k.a Deliani] - UGM - CEO of ASEC Central

Emmy - UGM - Founder of ASEC

     Have a nice saturday all :D 

- Anggi Siregar -

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