JAMIK, Embrio Asosiasi Industri Kreatif (JAMIK, the embryo of creative industry association)
- 6 Oktober 2012 -
The Meeting |
Good evening blogger :-D Today, I want to share my happy feeling to you. I am proud being a daughter of Syamsul Bachri Siregar, yep he is my father.
Appearing on local news paper maybe not his first experience. But, in different case, He is becoming a popular man because of his idea to form the 'embryo' of creative industry association. Although (formally) he is an Account Officer, he is dedicated his time and his effort for real industrial and real economic movement.
October 5th, 2012 he is appearing on Kedaulatan Rakyat. In that article, he was explaining that
JAMIK (Jogja Mikro Kreatif) is a necessary 'place or house' for attracting the governments' attention to the creative industry. Or just to keep their good attention on the right management. Using this association model, they want to 'donate' one right construction mapping for this sector.
Batik created by Endang Wilujeng (Sekar Turi Batik) |
The other activator for this movement, Any and Evi Dona, also add some value for JAMIK. As the first step, we invite the creative industry agent or activator to join us. And several groups that have joined JAMIK are Designing Industry, Fashion Industry, and Handicraft Industry. For the next step we invite all industry groups to join us such as Architect or Architecture Industry Product, Film Industry, Software Industry, Music Industry, Publisher, Art Industry, Advertising Industry, Interactive Game Industry, Radio, Televisions, etc.
"Mendesak saat ini untuk diferensiasi keunggulan seni kreatif kita perlu dibuat mapping, sehingga saat pameran di dunia internasional kita bisa tepat dalam menjual keunggulan indusrtri kreatif kita," Any said.
Well, good job Pa! :-D Keep the spirit on! Do not worry, we, your family, always stand beside you! We are the front line that will cheer you up! We love you :-D
[pictures of other creative industries that have joined]
Ayu - Paras Ayu Collection - Moslem Fashion |
Herbatama - Herbal Medicine |
Traditional Cloth - Tenun |
- Anggi Siregar -
4 komentar
Kalo mw gabung ke jamik gimana ya mbak? terima kasih
BalasHapusTidak ada prasyarat khusus sih, tapi usaha anda memang sudah berjalan, tengah berjalan. Dan saya sarankan untuk langsung mrngontak Ibu Ayu (paras ayu) dengan berkunjung ke pasar pagi XT Square. Kebetulan JAMIK memilki ruang niaga bersama di sana tiap minggu pagi. Serupa sunmor lah. Mangga.
HapusMbak, saya sempat mengisi seminar di Univ Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta bersama bapak, tapi belum sempat dapat alamat email bapak. Saya perlu alamat email bapak, mohon bantuannya bisa diinfokan alamat emailnya via tituspermadi@gmail.com
Hapusmaaf bapak saya dengan Redi Ahmad Riswandi, saya usaha keripik pedas kang asep bandung di jogja dengan mensuplay ke kantin-kantin di kampus, sekolah dan minimarket...
BalasHapussaya berniat mengembangkan usaha tersebut...
apakah dari JAMIK dapat membantu saya..?
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